Aflevering What Charities Can Learn From Disney Incl Interview With Wayne Olson (En) - Grantiou Fondsenwerving

What charities can learn from Disney  incl Interview with Wayne Olson (EN) - Grantiou Fondsenwerving
· Aflevering van de podcast: Alles over Fondsenwerving

Disney has the power to surprise people. What can charities learn from 'The Disney Difference'. Wayne Olson has explored what the Disney Difference is all about. In this episode I'm interviewing Wayne about how nonprofits can attract donors.

Alles over Fondsenwerving

Alles over Fondsenwerving

Gemaakt door: Gerald van Dijk Eerste aflevering: 11/09/2022

De podcast Alles over Fondsenwerving heeft in totaal 42 afleveringen

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What charities can learn from Disney incl Interview with Wayne Olson (EN) - Grantiou Fondsenwerving

Alles over Fondsenwerving · 21-06-2019

00:00 00:29:19