Astro Goddess podcast

Astro Goddess Podcast

Astro Goddess Podcast

Astro Goddess Podcast is voor iedereen die meer wilt leren over astrologie, vrouwelijke krachten en all things spiritual.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 1/8/2020 6:48:19 PM
  • Maker: josieboog
  • Taal: nl_NL
  • Laatste RSS update: 7/26/2024 1:40:00 PM
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1/1/2020 5:58:28 PM
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 7/17/2024 3:49:36 PM

32 Afleveringen

  • 00:26:34

    Eeeek, going through your Saturn Return or is yours coming up next year? Don't worry I GOT YOU. I know this cold big planet seems intimidating but it does not have to be. Embrace the transformation. I will explain you why, what and how ...

  • 00:13:34

    The big 3


    big 3 this big 3 that, but what does it really mean? In this episode I explain the difference between the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. You'll never get it mixed up again :). ...

  • 00:15:57

    In this episode I will talk you through the energy of Cancer season so you'll know what to expect. We will also have 2 full moons this season, which will make the second full moon a Capricorn Super moon. Listen now :). ...

  • 00:15:12

    Welcome to Astrology with Josie. In this first brand new episode I'll talk you through my journey with astrology and what this amazing tool can do for you. I am so excited to celebrate this new podcast journey :). ...

  • 00:30:09

    Do you put others needs before your own? Do you dream about doing something but never actually do it? Do you not take the time you wish you'd take to make yourself breakfast in the morning? Well, that sounds like self abandoment. ...

  • 00:19:43

    I often hear people talk about what they would love to release, especially during a full moon. "I want to release a friendship" or "I want to release an ex". While it's very powerful to speak this intention out loud ...

  • 00:18:41

    Today we will talk about my favourite planet ever: Mama Moon. She has healing powers and I will tell you all about my journey with here. What got me so fascinated and what are some ways to work with her? I'd love to connect after ...

  • 00:23:11

    In this episode I'll give my take on healing the body and it's connection to trauma. We are storing our trauma and by doing so, we are witholding ourselves from living a free and healthy life. You can eat all the healthy food ...

  • 00:21:13

    Have you ever felt stuck and like you are doing the wrong things with your life? Well, I definitely have! I was waiting for a change and basically begging the universe to throw my life around. It was when I got out of that wishing mode and ...

  • 00:17:56

    Zoals sommige van jullie misschien weten zitten we nu in een eclips seizoen. Dit duurt tot de volgende nieuwe maan, dat is de nieuwe maan in tweelingen. Tot die tijd kun je merken dat de energie van de eclips zijn werk doet. En eclips ener ...


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