Conspiracy Theories podcast

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories

The truth is rarely the best story. And when it’s not the only story, the truth deserves another look. Every Wednesday, we tell the complicated stories behind the world’s most controversial events and possible cover-ups. Conspiracy? Maybe. Coincidence? Maybe. Complicated? Absolutely. Conspiracy Theories is part of the Parcast Network and is a Cutler Media Production.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 8/8/2020 6:14:45 PM
  • Maker: Parcast
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 7/26/2024 12:50:00 PM
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 8/22/2018 5:01:00 AM
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 7/24/2024 9:00:00 AM

297 Afleveringen

  • 00:41:16

    If you had to guess, I bet you’d say Thomas Edison was the inventor of motion picture cameras. But what if we told you…that’s wrong? Louis Le Prince shot the world’s first moving picture in 1888, years before Edison debuted his camera. But ...

  • 00:35:11

    The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is one of the most popular unsolved mysteries of all time. Since Conspiracy Theories last covered the topic in 2019, there have been several updates. Now well over 85 years old, it’s one story that just w ...

  • 00:34:00

    In January 1916, San Diego, California was hit by a deadly flood. Nobody had foreseen just how catastrophic the storms would be…including the City Council, who’d just hired the renowned “rainmaker” Charles Hatfield to fill the Morena dam wi ...

  • 00:41:04

    The political machinations of Tammany Hall extended to the buying and selling of political positions, including judgeships. New York State Supreme Court Judge Joseph Force Crater is claimed to have been one of the beneficiaries of this corr ...

  • 00:41:04

    The political machinations of Tammany Hall extended to the buying and selling of political positions, including judgeships. New York State Supreme Court Judge Joseph Force Crater is claimed to have been one of the beneficiaries of this corr ...

  • 00:38:42

    Tammany Hall was the executive committee of the Democratic Party in New York City during the 1800s formed with the intention of aiding the city’s immigrant population — but by the 1860s it was riddled with claims of widespread corruption, b ...

  • 00:44:11

    The Enron scandal shook Americans’ faith in their institutions. It also inspired a few different conspiracy theories. With the help of journalist Bethany McLean, Connor and Carter discuss the theories, Enron’s legacy, and the impact the sca ...

  • 00:54:06

    Whether you know the full story or not, you’ve probably heard the name Enron before. In the summer of 2000, the energy company, renowned for their innovation, was on top of the world with a market value of almost $70 billion. But a year lat ...

  • 00:48:43

    In 1950 Enrico Fermi sat down to have lunch with his friends and colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. While discussing UFOs, Enrico asked a simple question: if aliens exist, where are they? This conflict between the h ...

  • 00:39:47

    In July 1997 the National Guard announced their explanation for the Phoenix Lights. But we’re not convinced...if the lights weren’t military in origin, could they have been extraterrestrial? Conspiracy Theories is now on Instagram @theconsp ...


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