Aflevering 118. A Conversation With Mark Lewisohn (#1, Writing The Beatles' History)

118. A conversation with Mark Lewisohn (#1, Writing The Beatles' History)
· Aflevering van de podcast: FabNL

Fab4Cast had the privilege of talking extensively with the great Mark Lewisohn. You can listen to our conversation in two parts. In this first episode we discuss Marks fulltime job as a writer and researcher of The Beatles' history.



Gemaakt door: Onbekend Eerste aflevering: 26/11/2019

De podcast FabNL heeft in totaal 140 afleveringen

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117. John & Yoko's Bed-In (Amsterdam 1969)

117. John & Yoko's Bed-In (Amsterdam 1969)

Maker: Onbekend Datum: 05/04/2019

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118. A conversation with Mark Lewisohn (#1, Writing The Beatles' History)

FabNL · 19-04-2019
