Aflevering #13 | Special Guest: Susan Goldsworthy, Professor At Imd Lausanne, About Our “Napping Known” And Awakening By Nature | Leaders Into The Wild

#13 | Special Guest: Susan Goldsworthy, professor at IMD Lausanne, about our “napping known” and awakening by Nature | Leaders Into the Wild
· Aflevering van de podcast: Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar

Susan Goldsworthy, professor at IMD, Olympic finalist, award-winning writer, and executive coach, is our guest in this episode of ‘Leaders into the Wild’. Together we have an inspiring dialogue about the innate connection of humans with nature, which has gone into a 'napping known'. Yet we can awaken, for instance by immersing into Nature. Shifting our mindset from ‘ego’ to ‘eco’. Susan's words make us emphatically aware of the relevance and urgency of limiting our external growth as a species while refocusing on our inner development, both individually and collectively, thus lifting the veil to pathways of hope. Additionally, Susan unveils her latest program "Natural Leadership for Awareness Based Action" in partnership with the Foundation for Natural Leadership. Also, read her latest book: Where the Wild Things Were, written for both children and adults to entertain and educate about our planetary situation. Purchase "Where the Wild Things Were" here:

Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar

Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar

Gemaakt door: Boy & Niek van Droffelaar Eerste aflevering: 21/08/2022

De podcast Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar heeft in totaal 21 afleveringen

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#13 | Special Guest: Susan Goldsworthy, professor at IMD Lausanne, about our “napping known” and awakening by Nature | Leaders Into the Wild

Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar · 06-07-2022

00:00 00:41:17