Many people have been able to enjoy some free time in the past few weeks, and may even been on vacation. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce, is still enjoying the summer vibe, and discusses the theme holiday in a new episode of our series ...
Learn Dutch with SBS Dutch! Joyce Diebels, who is based in Melbourne, will teach you every week a new Dutch word, expression or grammar rule. The lessons are in English. - Leer Nederlands met SBS Dutch! Joyce Diebels uit Melbourne leert je iedere week een nieuw Nederlands woord, uitdrukking of grammaticaregel. De uitleg is in het Engels.
Many people have been able to enjoy some free time in the past few weeks, and may even been on vacation. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce, is still enjoying the summer vibe, and discusses the theme holiday in a new episode of our series ...
The weather is always a popular topic of conversation in the Netherlands. In this mini-lesson, Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce, teaches you some useful words and sentences, so that you can join in the conversation in the future. - Het w ...
In this new episode of Learn Dutch we discuss the topic 'the post office'. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce has listed some useful words and sentences. - In deze nieuwe aflevering van Leer Nederlands bespreken het thema 'het postkantoor' ...
In this episode of Learn Dutch, Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce, will prepare you for a visit to the cinema, so grab the popcorn! - Joyce Diebels van Dutch with Joyce stoomt je deze mini-les Nederlands klaar voor een bezoekje aan de bio ...
From the pronunciation of letters, the days, months and seasons of the year to the Dutch coffee culture and the different rooms in a house. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce has discussed a lot of topics. In this mini-lesson she will disc ...
In this episode of our Learn Dutch series, Joyce Diebels, from Dutch with Joyce, takes you to the library. - In deze nieuwe aflevering van onze serie Leer Nederlands neemt Joyce Diebels van Dutch with Joyce je mee naar de bibliotheek. ...
In this episode you will learn more about 'borrelen' or having drinks. The Dutch like to sit on a terrace to have drinks, and often order bitterballen or other snacks to enjoy. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce will tell you all about it. ...
'The police are your best friend' is an old familiar Dutch slogan. In this episode, Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce, will teaches you important words and sentences that will come in handy if you ever need the police in the Netherlands. ...
There is one in nearly every Dutch city and village. You can buy almost everything, from vegetables and fruit to cheese and fish. The flowers are often cheap. Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce takes you to the market. - In veel Nederlands ...
The Dutch coffee culture is different from the Australian one. For example, quite a lot of people still like filter coffee and the Dutch have a special milk for their coffee. We even have a special name for people who love their coffee. Joy ...
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