Aflevering Paroles - Learn French With Songs, Episode 1

Paroles - Learn French With Songs, episode 1
· Aflevering van de podcast: Pourquoi pas!

Before you listen to this podcast, please watch the video clip with the song at least once while reading the lyrics on this page: PAROLES. In this first lesson, we will use a song with the fitting name: paroles… words and promises. The singer is the Egyptian born Italian and nationalized French ‘Dalida’. She was enormously popular in the seventies but had a tragic life, ending in suicide in the mid-eighties. In this song we also hear the voice of Alain Delon, a very famous French actor born in 1935 and today living in Switzerland. Alain is trying to seduce her with his warm French voice, but she’s not having it. She knows that although he tries to woe her with romantic talk, it is just words and empty promises: paroles. This lesson is most effective if you have heard the song and preferably if you have the lyrics in front of you. So please listen while watching this page: PAROLES.

Pourquoi pas!

Pourquoi pas!

Gemaakt door: Pourquoi pas! Eerste aflevering: 20/02/2022

De podcast Pourquoi pas! heeft in totaal 28 afleveringen

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Paroles - Learn French With Songs, episode 1

Pourquoi pas! · 03-04-2022

00:00 00:14:11