Aflevering Microsoft #Securitylifehacks Presents: Scan Your (Cloud) Backup On Vulnerabilities Using Rubrik

Microsoft #SecurityLifeHacks presents: Scan your (cloud) backup on vulnerabilities using Rubrik
· Aflevering van de podcast: #SecurityLifeHacks Podcast

English Episode: In this episode I'm talking to Sander Kerkhoffs, Area VP Rubrik. We are talking about cloud backup and the cool things you can do to scan your backups on possible breaches. The Rubrik solution is designed to look into the backups and check for any inconsistency that could possible be a breach. So please you me and Sander for this amazing session on cloud backup. #SecurityLifeHacks

#SecurityLifeHacks Podcast

#SecurityLifeHacks Podcast

Gemaakt door: Microsoft Nederland Eerste aflevering: 29/03/2022

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Microsoft #SecurityLifeHacks presents: Scan your (cloud) backup on vulnerabilities using Rubrik

#SecurityLifeHacks Podcast · 26-01-2023

00:00 00:28:22