Aflevering English Episode 29: Kenzie Brenna On The Mind Body Connection And Sensitivity As A Superpower

English Episode 29: Kenzie Brenna on the Mind Body Connection and Sensitivity as a Superpower
· Aflevering van de podcast: Slow the F Down!

Jindi and Lavinia speak with Kenzie Brenna. She's an actress, speaker and writer who shares about mental health, body acceptance, self love and self care on Instagram. We talk about being present and practicing mindfulness and that in our fast paced society we have lost value in slowness. We also discuss connecting to your body, dealing with trauma and eating disorders. Kenzie made the point that sensitivity is a superpower, which you have to learn how to use.

Slow the F Down!

Slow the F Down!

Gemaakt door: Slow the F Down! Eerste aflevering: 28/06/2022

De podcast Slow the F Down! heeft in totaal 37 afleveringen

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Episode 28: Hoe overleef je de feestdagen?

Episode 28: Hoe overleef je de feestdagen?

Maker: Slow the F Down! Datum: 13/12/2019

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English Episode 29: Kenzie Brenna on the Mind Body Connection and Sensitivity as a Superpower

Slow the F Down! · 27-12-2019

00:00 01:02:02