Aflevering Het Hele Verhaal - Nl

Het Hele Verhaal - NL
· Aflevering van de podcast: Testmens

This is the long Dutch version. Two and a half hour. You can listen to it in your own time, as long as you like and continue listening when you want. My story here is all in chronological order. Without the interruptions created by explaining technology. How they do it, technology that is capable to alter your mind, the neurology and biotech. Truth is never easy. Combined tech is sometimes difficult to oversee. This is my story, and I continue telling it. Because the perception needs to be changed about the possibilities of the secret agency and their effort to get in your mind. And to practice and train on civilians.



Gemaakt door: Mind You Eerste aflevering: 30/10/2022

De podcast Testmens heeft in totaal 17 afleveringen

Vorige aflevering

Oorlog en Recht - NL

Oorlog en Recht - NL

Maker: Mind You Datum: 08/04/2022

Volgende aflevering

Testmens - deel 2

Testmens - deel 2

Maker: Mind You Datum: 25-10-2022

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Het Hele Verhaal - NL

Testmens · 24-07-2022

00:00 02:39:12