The Great Cosmic Show podcast

The Great Cosmic Show

The Great Cosmic Show

Welkom bij The Great Cosmic Show! Wij zijn allen getuigen van de grootste evolutionaire sprong die de mensheid ooit zal maken. Van Homo Sapiens naar Homo Galacticus. Van denkende mens naar wetende mens. Het is tijd dat wij ons herinneren wie wij zijn, waar wij vandaan komen en welke krachten wij in ons hebben. Wij nemen je mee in de wereld van universele kennis, buitenaards contact en innerlijk weten. Elke uitzending heeft tot doel jou te helpen herinneren wie je bent en jouw super krachten te activeren. Wij staan klaar om jouw bewustzijn te verruimen binnen het universum van vrije wil.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 4/10/2022 1:38:34 AM
  • Maker: The Great Cosmic Show
  • Taal: nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 4/19/2024 10:25:00 AM
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 2/18/2022 4:17:31 PM
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 5/19/2023 2:57:47 PM

100 Afleveringen

  • 00:18:34



    DemeteR In this very destructive time created by an unscrupulous elite parasite pushing for his failed totalitarian agenda and using lack of food as his last nasty weapon on a society reawakening to common sense. It's time to fight. ...

  • 00:18:29



    WarrioR Only a woman can give birth to a warrior, she is the Goddess that bring us on the planet, she is the mother that educate the warrior, she is the Goddess that train a warrior. ...

  • 00:22:07



    BasileA BasilA was the first queen of the kingdom of Atlantis created on planet Earth by Pleiadian light masters. Follow his inspiration of love and harmony in our agitated time when most people are scared and witnessing dramatic ...

  • 00:20:11



    AeonfluX It basically means we are in an uncontrollable window of time where anything can happen like being immortal or extinguishing as a human forever so don't be possessed by fear and don't fight again just let's go with ...

  • 00:21:16



    CrossroaD We are arrived at at one uttermost selective choice of our presence here on planet Earth. Or we stay on the same path and we start the same loup again and again, ...

  • 00:17:40



    EvasioN In this unique cosmic window, again we have the opportunity for our EvasioN, because our only way out is in. ...

  • 00:10:09

    And then all of a sudden I'm on stage next to legend David Icke during the movie premiere I came up with for the movie "In search for The Holy Grail". The night before I went out to dinner with the Ickonic team, David and his son Jaymie Ick ...

  • 00:22:49



    EuphoriA Is the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness by watching people around the world to wake up through certain social activities against the system, ...

  • 00:23:31



    LimitlesS is the secret inner power that our soul teaches us if we are awake. As children of our Infinite Creator, we possess this limitless energy to manifest whatever we desire. And surely in this window of time in which we are now, ...

  • 00:21:06



    ComewithmE You may also be in the process of getting over something that you have had a hard time dealing with. No matter what ...


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