Dive into a thought-provoking conversation with entrepreneur Ahmed Ben Chaibah. In this episode, we unravel the complex dynamics of gender roles within the household. Ahmed shares his perspective on the traditional provider role, advocating for a dynamic where he holds the reins. His belief? A household flourishes best when a woman focuses solely on home and family. But how does that work out and is this approach outdated? Join us as we explore the quest for mutual respect, exchange of power, and creating a safe haven where both partners thrive. Is there space for traditional roles in today's world? Listen in, challenge your perceptions, and share your thoughts. Click the link to watch the video and let's spark a conversation that challenges convention. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO STAY INSPIRED. ??SUPPORT WIJSDOM?? Do you value my content? Please consider to make a donation. Many thanks in advance! https://www.sanaeorchi.com/donation ?? Connect On Social Media ?? https://www.instagram.com/orchisanae/ https://www.tiktok.com/@orchisanae Host: Sanae Orchi Guest: Ahmed Ben Chaibah Support the Show. ??STEUN WIJSDOM?? Waardeer je wat ik maak & bespreek? Help me zodat ik deze podcasts kan blijven maken. Steun via: https://www.sanaeorchi.com/doneren Volg Sanae Orchi & WijsDom op Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/orchisanae/ https://www.tiktok.com/@orchisanae www.linkedin.com/in/sanae-orchi-88442a140 https://www.instagram.com/wijsdompodcast/ Bekijk hier de videos: https://youtube.com/@wijsdom?si=wIKir5L0HfJQ2tU7
Gemaakt door: Sanae Orchi Eerste aflevering: 08-11-2023
De podcast WijsDom Podcast heeft in totaal 58 afleveringen
Maker: Sanae Orchi Datum: 24-04-2024
Maker: Sanae Orchi Datum: 08-05-2024
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